Biology - A Level
Biology - A Level
Chemistry - A Level
Chemistry - A Level
Physics - A Level
Physics - A Level
Agriculture - A Level
Environmental Studies L3
Animal Management L3
Livestock NPTC
Applied Science - A Level
Applied Science L3
Psychology - A Level
Medical Science - A Level
Medical Science L3
Triple Science - GCSE
Triple Science - GCSE
The Science Faculty consists of 23 teaching staff and 6 support staff. The faculty is made up of a number of departments which include: biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and agriculture.
On joining Redborne in year 9, students will follow the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy GCSE qualification. This qualification leads to two full GCSEs, awarded at levels 9-9 to 1-1.
In Years 10 and 11 students will continue with their AQA GCSEs (some via the AQA Entry Level Certificate route initially), but many students will choose to study all three of the separate sciences (biology, chemistry & physics) in greater depth. This leads to three GCSEs in each subject, awarded at levels 9 to 1.
As well as the qualifications above, we also offer the following courses with the science faculty:
City & Guilds Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Agriculture
In the Sixth Form students can choose from:
OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics
AQA A level Psychology
Medical Biology
City & Guilds Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Agriculture
The faculty also runs a number of extra-curricular activities which include inter house competitions, field trips e.g. Whipsnade Zoo, Luton Law court, Gifted and Talented events, Museum trips, University lecture visits and much more besides.